In 1757 William Blake was born in London. Throughout his early childhood Blake was already painting and at the age of 10 he was attending a drawing school, Henry Par's Academy . Education wise, Blake was especially knowledgeable in both Greek and Latin literature. He all so knew a lot about Milton and the Bible. Robert, Blake’s younger brother was one of his biggest influences. Later on he also became a huge inspiration for Blake. After Robert’s death in 1787 Blake was said to have seen his brother’s soul. Robert inspired Blake with a special way of doing engraving which he showed him through a vision. Blake not only saw his brother’s spirit but he also claimed to have spoken with the angels, spirits, and devils that he had written about in his poetry. According to the website linked below it is actually said that Blake saw his first vision when he was four years old, what he saw was Gods hand through a window. When Blake was around the age of fourteen he started to do engraving artwork. He started off first as an apprentice to James Basire who he worked with for eleven years. "Joseph of Arimathea amoung the Rocks of Albion" was Blake’s first engraving. Eight years later Blake went to the Royal Academy while he was still working with James. At the Royal Academy he met a sculptor, John Flaxman and a painter, Henry Fuseli who helped to influence Blake’s work. Blake got married at the age of 25 to Catherine Boucher. Catherine would often help him with his work, while Blake engraved plates she would help him out by painting them. It is also said the she helped Blake with the creation of the “Songs of Innocence”. A few years after his marriage Blake opened up a print shop with the help of his friend John Flaxman, but business did not go so well for him. All the while Blake continued to write. Most of his most famous writing was done around that same time. By the year 1818 Blake was no longer writing poetry but he did continue with his artwork. Blake’s life came to an end in 1827 in his home in London.
Check out the link below for more about Blake’s life:
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